Holy Angels Regional School’s Kindergarten program is the gateway into school for children and their families, whether they are coming directly from a home environment or a formal preschool program. It serves to create a caring community of learners, and ensure a sense of belonging, support children’s development, and learning, and provide meaningful and integrated learning experiences within the curriculum.
Kindergarten Schedule:
“Holy Angels is a child-centered, family-sensitive Catholic School. We are dedicated to the development of the whole child: intellectually, spiritually, emotionally, physically, and socially. Our students are challenged to learn, lead, and serve as Jesus taught.”
Parents send in a healthy snack for their child to enjoy each morning.
Additionally, parents pack a lunch from home for the children. On Wednesdays and Fridays, students have the opportunity to buy a $3.00 slice of pizza for lunch.
Students with allergies are provided a safe place to enjoy their snacks and lunch.