Holy Angels 7th and 8th graders have the opportunity to earn membership into the National Junior Honor Society.
The National Junior Honor Society is the nation’s premier organization established to recognize outstanding middle-level students. More than just an honor roll, NJHS serves to honor those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership, character, and citizenship. These characteristics have been associated with membership in the organization since its beginning in 1929.
Students must maintain an overall average of 87 in English, Math, Social Studies, Science. These four class grades will be added up and divided by four to determine eligibility. Student's conduct grades must consist of only Excellent and/or Satisfactory.
Upon meeting the above requirements, students must write a business letter expressing how they demonstrate service, leadership, character, and citizenship. The first quality scholarship was met with their grades.
Students must also submit two letters of recommendation, a list of their school activities, all awards that they have received, and what they do for their community. This is all submitted to a committee for review, to determine eligibility.
If chosen for induction, students participate in a formal ceremony in May, which includes the lighting of the candles and an exclamation of each quality. A teacher or staff member is also elected as an honorary member because they fit all of the above qualities. All inducted receive a certificate and pin, and at graduation, they wear blue cords to show that they were inducted into the National Junior Honor Society. The names of these students are announced at graduation and they stand up for recognition.
We are very proud of our past inductees and look forward to celebrating those students who will be inducted in the future.